Milk Me Café is a café drink
fresh milk with variant flavor, this café is located in the Jl. Buaran Jakarta
Timur. For the price, this café cheapest than the others. You can buy 1 drink a
milk me only Rp. 15.000. Milk me café also sells food such as french fries,
spaghetti, fried rice, pudding, steak, etc. For the price food start from Rp. 10.000 to Rp.
36.000. You can come to this café everyday. Because, this café open everyday. You
must try it guys J

*Modal Auxiliries
kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untuk memodifikasi
makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut.
kerja bantu ini antara lain untuk mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability
(kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan posibility (kemungkinan).
kerja bantu ini antara lain :
Could, May, Might, Will, Would, shall, Should, Must & Ought to (Phrasal
Modal Verb)