Rabu, 06 April 2011


Devinisi dan Pengertian    :
  • The Passive Voice is very important in english. Probably quite 90 per cent of the passive sentences spoken or writen are of the type replacing the indefinite pronoun or reflexives in other languages.
  • In english, many verbs can be used in the active or passive voice. You must decide between the active or passive voice.

Contoh    :
Active form Passive form
Simple present
They eat bananaBanana is eaten by them
They teach English in High SchoolEnglish is taught in High School

Present continuous
We are eating appleApple is being eaten

Present perfect
They have taught English for several yearsEnglish has been taught for several years.

Present perfect continuous
They have been teaching English for several years(Not used)

Past tense
They taught English last yearEnglish was taught last year

Past continuous
They were teaching English when I started school English was being taught when I started school

Past perfect
They had taught English for many years when I started school English had been taught for many years when I started school.

Past perfect continuous
They had been teaching English for many years when I started school (Not used)

They will teach English next year English will be taught next year

Future continuous
They will be teaching English next year (Not used)

Future perfect
They will have taught English for three years by next SeptemberEnglish will have been taught for three years by next September

Future perfect continuous
They will have been teaching English for three years by next year

Catatan   :
Aturan penggunaan passive voice
§   Jika kalimat lebih menekankan kejadian atau pekerjaan (predikat) daripada orang yang mengerjakannya (subjek).
Contoh: His car was removed.

§   Jika kata kerjanya seperti believe, consider, feel, no, think, suppose, report, say, understand.
Contoh: The Mummy is believed to be over 100,000 years old.
         It is cinsidered impolite to speak while courses.

§   Jika orang yang melakukan pekerjaan tidak diketahui atau tidak dianggap penting.
Contoh: The apple was eaten yesterday (someone eat the apple last night).

§   Jika objek yang dibicarakan penting.
Contoh: The results of the inquiry were published in the newspaper.

Referensi  :
  • Complete English grammar in Short Stories, Ayu Rini, Kesaint Blanc, Bekasi-Indonesia, 2008.
  • W.Stannard Allen, Living English Structure, Longman, Hongkong, 1973.
  • English Course Paper For the 2nd Class, SMK Negeri 46 Jakarta.
  • Wallace Manual, Modern English For Today’s Learning First edition, London, 1997.
  • Joyce S.Cain, Eye on Editing 2, Developing Editing Skills For Writing, Longman, America, 2003.

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